Actually, all these pics are mostly from the same day. My baby sis, Sandrina, is here visiting for a couple weeks, and she LOVES the beach. Joey is still growing up so fast and I'm still pretty sure he's a genius. :-) He tries so hard with complete sentences, with no coaxing from me at all. He used to say "kitchen" or "ice cream" or "drink" and now, if he starts off like that, he just corrects himself and says "I want drink" or "come in kitchen" and he does it with such a thoughtful look on his face like he's trying so hard! This little boy just amazes me everyday, still! Life with him will NEVER be dull. He learns so much so fast!
He's never really taken to a stuffed animal or been attached to a blanket or any other thing like that. But a couple weeks ago, Earl mailed a couple boxes of gifts for Joey, and in one was a stuffed green monkey from a base in Iraq. Joey talks about "daddy gave me green monkey" "box outside" (we came home one day to find the mailman had left the box at the door). And he has a special place in bed for the monkey, and when he wakes up in the mornings and yells "Mama" for me to come get him out of the crib, he always has that cute monkey in his arms (usually upside down for some reason) like he just grabs it instintively. He carries it around for a little while before letting it sit someplace to wait for bedtime again. It's precious. My little showboat.
Sandrina and Joey at the beach.
I'm pretty sure those are his mommy's kisses he's giving to Aunt Drina.
Also, this past sunday was Joey's first time in the 2 year old room at Church. Turns out, the teacher is an old friend of mine from the first time we were stationed here (before we moved to CA). He brought home his first church artwork: a tracing of his hands with the words "God Gave Me Hands to Help!" and Joey's precious color marks all over. It's on the fridge. I"m too lazy to scan it for this blog. Maybe some other day.